

Sheffield School of Architecture, University of Sheffield

Russell Light - main site

Perspective Drawing

Vanishing Points: An Introduction to Architectural Perspective Drawing - by Roger Harper, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, 1999. 20 min. film (Edina log-in required)

Wikipedia entry - perspective (graphical)

Wikipedia - perspective projection category

The Science and Art of Perspective - by Christopher Tyler and Michael Kubovy

Elements of Perspective - by Bruce MacEvoy

Drawing Comics - interesting site demonstrating the use of perspective in comic art.

Microsoft research on geometric modelling (images currently not loading?)

Drawing with optical instruments - electronic library, bibliography and image collection.

There are a lot of videos on YouTube if you search for 'perspective drawing' or 'architectural perspective', however the quality of the 'how to' demonstrations is very variable and generally quite poor.

Some of the best performance pieces are:

Three Classicists - perspective performance piece, November 2010
(YouTube video)

Kurt Wenner, 3D art in New York
(YouTube video)

Edgar Mueller - 'The Crevasse' at the Festival of World Culture, August 2008
(YouTube video)

An excellent introduction to the secrets of anamorphosis is provided in this short film by the Brothers Quay:

Brothers Quay - Anamorphosis, or, De Artificiali Perspectiva, 1991.
Part 1, Part 2
(YouTube videos in 2 parts, total 13 mins)

Art of Anamorphosis exhibition - Tyne and Wear, 2001.

Individual artists

Julian Beever - Belgium based pavement artist, specialising in anamorphic illusions.

Bibiena images - University of Navarra  (in Spanish, but comprehensive images).

MC Esher - comprehensive picture gallery.

Joe Hill - British 3D pavement artist. See also 3D Joe and Max.

Anthony Green - British artist (b.1939), famous for his perspective distortions.

Erik Johansson - Swedish photographer, who created a large scale street illusion called 'Mind Your Step', in Stockholm in June 2011.

Edgar Mueller - German artist (b.1968), exploring 3D street art.

Felice Varini - Swiss artist (b.1952), creating large scale perspective illusions (mainly in French, but comprehensive images).

Kurt Wenner - American pavement artist, with a predilection for Renaissance inspired scenes.

Museum Collections

RIBA Drawing Collection - now housed at the V&A

Victoria and Albert Museum - a series of videos about architectural drawings in the RIBA and V&A collections.

Sir John Soane Museum - drawings archive

Historic Royal Palaces - architectural drawings collection

Canadian Centre for Architecture

AAM Galleria - online collection focussed on Italian architectural drawings (in Italian, but comprehensive images)