Frontipiece of Leoni's translation of Alberti, 1726
Alberti, Leon Battista (1435) - 'De Pictura'.
- Italian translation - 'Della Pittura', 1436. First published editions: Latin - Basel, 1540; Italian - Venice, 1547; English (trans. from Italian) - Leoni, 1726.
- Trans. from Latin by C Grayson as 'On Painting', Phaidon, London, 1972.
Filareti (c.1461-64) - 'Libro architettonico', (later referred to as the 'Trattato...')
- (1965) Filarete's Treatise on Architecture: Being the Treatise by Antonio di Piero Averlino, Known as Filarete. Originally composed in Milan c. 1460 - c. 1464. Translated by John R. Spencer. Facsimile ed. 2 vols. New Haven, Yale University Press
P. della Francesca (c.1470) - 'De Prospectiva Pingendi', critical edition ed. G Nicco-Fasola, Florence, 1942.
- [see Bertelli (1991) - 'Piero della Francesca']
- [deals with Leonardo's paradox in Bk 2, theorem 12, fig XLVI (source White, p217)]
Leonardo Da Vinci (c. 1500-18) - Notebooks
- Leonardo Da Vinci (1796) - 'A Treatise on Painting', trans., new ed., 29 plates (2 folding), London, for I & J Taylor.
- [ARBV, 1996, £95 (Spelman)]
Viator (Pèlerin, Jean) (23 June 1505) - 'De Artificiali P(er)spectiva', Toul, Petrus Jacobi. (Critical edition, Brion-Guerry, Paris, 1965)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-1]
- [First and second (1509) editions both reproduced in Ivins,W.M. (1938) - 'On the Rationalization of Sight', Da Capo, New York]
Dürer, Albrecht (1525) - 'Unterweisung in der Messung mit Zirkel und Richtscheit', (Measurement by Compass and Ruler), published?
- [See Brion (1960) - Albrecht Dürer, His Life and Work, Thames and Hudson, pp300-5]
Agrippa of Nettesheim (c.1530) - 'De Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarium et Artium', German trans. by F. Mauthner, Munich, 1913.
- Chapter entitled'De optica vel Perspectiva'
- [See Gebser, p20]
Johann II of Pfalz-Simmern (24 July 1531) - 'Eyn Schön Nützlich Buchlin und Underweisung der Kunst des Messens, mit dem Zirkel, Richtschneidt oder Linial', Simmern, Hieronymus Rodler. (Facs. ed., Graz, 1973)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-2]
Serlio, S. (1537-47) - 'Tutte l'Opera d'Architectura et Prospettiva', Venice.
- English ed., Robert Peake, 1611. (Facs.ed., 'The Five Books of Architecture', Dover, New York, 1982)
Aretino, Pietro (1557) - 'Dialogo della Pittura di M. Lodovico Dolce initolato l'Aretino', Venice
- [See Gebser, p21]
Cousin, Jean (1560) - 'Livre de Perspective', Paris, Jean le Royer. (Facs. ed., Unterscheidheim, Walter Uhl, 1974)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-3]
- [Facs. ed., Glaister, 18, £45]
Bartoli, Cosimo (1564) - 'Del Modo di Misurare le Distantie, le Superficie, i Corpi, le Piante, le Provincie, le Prospettiue, & Tutte le Altre Cose Terrene', Venice, Francesco Franceschi. (Facs. ed., Portland, Oregon, 1972)
- [Wiebenson, III- B-6]
Barbaro, Daniele (1568) - 'La Practica della Perspettiva di Monsignor Daniele Barbaro Eletto Patriarca d'Aquileia, Opera Molto Utile a Pittori, a Scultori, & ad Architetti', Venice, Camillo and Rutilio Borgominieri. (Facs. ed., Bologna, 1977-8)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-7]
Jamitzer, Wenzel (1568) - 'Perspectiva Corporum Regularium', Nurnberg, Gotlicher Hulff.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-8]
Bassi, Martini (1572) - 'Dispareri in Materia d'Architettura, et Perspettiva. Con Pareri di Eccellenti, et Famosi Architetti, chi li Risoluono', Brescia, Francesco and Pietro Maria Marchetti. (Facs. ed., Bologna, 1977-8)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-9]
Du Cerceau the Elder, Jacques Androuet (1576) - 'Leçons de Perspective Positive', Paris, Mamert Patisson.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-10]
- [R.Evans, p131]
Vignola, Jacopo Barozzi da (1583) - 'La Due Regole della Prospettiva di M. Iacomo Barozzi da Vignola con i Comentarij del R.P.M. Egnatio Danti', Rome. (Facs. ed., Vignola, 1974)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-4]
Villafane, Ioan de Arphe y (1585) - 'De Varia Commensuracion para la Escultura, y Arquitectura', Seville, Andrea Pescioni y Ivan de Leon.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-5]
Sirigatti, Lorenzo (28 October 1596) - ' La Practica di Prospettiva', Venice, Girolamo Franceschi. (Eng. ed., Issac Ware, 1756)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-11]
Del Monte, Guido Ubaldo (1600) - 'Perspectivae Libri Sex', Pesaro, Hieronymus Concordia.
- (defines 'punctum concursus', antecedent of vanishing point)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-12]
De Vries, Hans Vredeman (1604-05) - 'Perspectiva, id est Celeberrima ars Inspicientis aut Transpicientis Oculorum Aciei, in Pariete, Tabula aut Tela Depicta', The Hague, Leyden. (Facs.ed. of plates only, Dover, New York, 1968)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-13]
Hondius, Hendrik (1622) - 'Onderwysinge in de Perspective Conste', The Hague, Hondius.
- (1622) - 'Institutio Artis Perspectivae'.
- (1625) - 'Instruction en la Science de Perspective'.
- (1640) - Gondige Onderrichtinge in de Optica, oft Perspective Konst', Amsterdam.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-14]
Accolti, Pietro (1625) - 'Lo Inganno de Gl'ochi, Prospettiva Practica', Florence, Pietro Cecconcelli. (Facs. ed., Portland, Oregon, 1972)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-15]
Vaulezard, I.L. de (1630) - 'Perspective Cilindrique et Conique; ou Traicté des Apparences Veuës par le Moyen des Miroirs Cilindrique et Conique', Paris, J. Jacquin.
- (1631) - 'Abrégé ou Raccourcy de la Perspective par l'Imitation...', Paris, Chez l'Autheur.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-16]
Desargues, Girard (1636) - 'Example d'une des Manières Universelles", Paris, the author.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-17]
Niceron, Jean François (1638) - 'La Perspective Curieuse, ou Magie Artificielle des Effets Merveilleux de l' Catoprique...laDioptique', Paris, Pierre Bilain.
- (1646) - 'Thaumaturgus Opticus', Paris, Langlois.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-18]
Dubreuil, Jean (1642) - 'La Perspective Practique...par un Parisien, Religieux de la Compagnie de Iesus', Paris, Melchior and François Langlois.
- English editions - Robert Pricke (1672), Ephraim Chambers (1726)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-19]
- (1698) - 'Perspective Practical... Set Forth in English by Robert Pricke for Lovers of Art', 150 full page engravings, London, for Robert Pricke
- [IRBP, 1992, £300]
- (1743) - 'The Practice of Perspective... [trans.] by E. Chambers', third edition, London, Bowles.
- [IRBP, 1992, £225]
- (1749) - 'The Practice of Perspective...', trans. by E. Chambers', London, for Tho. & John Bowles.
- [IRBP, 1992, £325]
- See also 'Bowles Practice of Perspective...', (1782)
Aléaume and Migon (1643) - 'La Perspective Spéculative et Pratique du Sieur Aléaume', ed. by Etienne Migon, Paris.
- [introduced measuring point system]
- [see Ox. Comp. p848]
Bosse, Abraham (1648) - 'Manière Universelle de Mr Desargues pour Pratiquer la Perspective par Petit-Pied, comme le Géometral', Paris, the author.
- (1653) - 'Moyen Universel de Pratiquer la Perspective sur les Tableaux, ou Surfaces Irregulières'.
- (1659) - 'Réprésentations Géometrales de Plusieures Parties des Bastiments...'
- [Wiebenson, III-B-20/21]
Leclerc, Sébastien (1669) - 'Practique de la Géométrie sur le Papier et sur le Terrain', Paris, Thomas Jolly.
- English trans. R Pricke, 'Magnum in Parvo, or The Practice of Geometry', London, 1667.
- (1679) - 'Discours Touchant le Point de Veüe...'
- (1690) - 'Traité de Géométrie'.
- (1712) - 'Système de la Vision Fondé sur de Nouveaux Principes'.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-22/23]
Troili, Giulio (1672) - 'Paradossi per Pratticare la Prospettiva, senza Saperla, Fiori, per Facilitare l'Intelligenza, Frutti, per non Operare alla Cieca', Bologna, heirs of Peri.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-24]
Pozzo, Andrea (1693-1700) - 'Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum Andreae Pozzo Putei e Societate Jesu', Rome, Joannis Komarek Bohemi. (Facs. ed., New York, 1971)
- ('Perspective in Architecture and Painting', an unabridged reprint of the English-and-Latin edition published: London: Senex and Gosling, 1707. Facs. ed., Dover, New York, 1989)
- [Arch Q 742 (P)]
- [Wiebenson, III-B-25]
Lamy, Bernard (26 February 1701) - 'Traité de Perspective, ou sont Contenus les Fondamens de al Peinture', Paris, Anisson.
- English eds. by A. Forbes (1702) and 'Perspective made Easie', (1710).
- [Wiebenson, III-B-26]
Bibiena, Ferdinando Galli (1711) - 'L'architettura Civile Preparate su la Geometria, e Ridotta alle Prospettive', Parma, P. Monti. (Facs. ed., with introduction by D M Kelder, New York, 1971)
- [Wiebenson, II-16]
- (1732) - 'Istruzioni a'Giovani Studenti di Pittura, e Architettura nell'Accademia Clementina dell'Istituto della Scienza', Bologna, Lelio della Volpe.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-30]
Taylor, Brook (1715) - 'Linear Perspective: or, a New Method of Representing justly All Manner of Objects as They Appear to the Eye in all Situations', London, R. Knaplock.
- (1719) - 'New Principles of Linear Perspective'.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-27]
- (1749) - 'New Principles of Linear Perspective', third edition, London, John Ward.
- [IRBP, 1992, £180]
Gravesande, William-James (1724) - 'An Essay on Perspective', London, 1724
- [Includes: 'The Use of the Camera Obscura in Designing', p101 - 120]
- [DWOI]
Courtonne, Jean (1725) - 'Traité de la Perspective Practique, avec des Remarques sur l'Architecture, suivis de quelques Edifices Considérables mis en Perspective, and de l'Invention de l'Auteur', Paris, Jacques Vincent.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-28]
Halfpenny, William (1731) - 'Perspective Made Easy: Or, A New Method For Practical Perspective. Shewing The Use of a New-Invented Senographical Protractor; so easy, that a Person, tho' an intire Stranger to Perspective, may, by Reading a few Lines, become Master of the Instrument, without the help of a Master. It's Useful in taking the Perspective Draughts of Towns, Countrys, Houses, and Gardens, or any Objects whatever; much easier than has hitherto been Practiced. With several useful Examples in Practical Perspective. Together With the Draughts of several remarkable Places, in and about the Cities of Bristol and Bath; In twenty-six Copper Plates', 36pp, 28 folding plates, London, John Oswald.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-29]
- [Harris, p226 (BL)]
- (1751) - 'Andrea Palladio's First Book of Architecture, Corrected from his original Edition printed at Venice, 1581, Wherein is pointed out The various Mistakes and Contradictions between the Chapters and Figur'd Draughts; laid down both Geometrical and in Perspective, in an entirely new and easy method. To these are added, Thirteen different Designs for Pavements, Halls, Lobbies &c. Ten of which are entirely new. The Whole being design'd to render this Science more useful to Gentlemen Draughtsmen, and Builders in general; more particular to those who desire to attain Knowledge of Perspective. These Examples are explained and demonstrated in a Manner so easy, that any Person who has the least notion of drawing a Geometrical Design, may, with little Trouble, by the Help of this Treatise alone, lay down the same in Perspective', 19pp, 28 plates, London, J Brindley.
- [Harris, p222 (MIT, RIBA)]
- (1754) - 'Perspective Made Easy... In twenty-eight Copper Plates', 16pp, 28 plates, London, Richard Ware.
- [Harris, p226( (RIBA, V&A)]
- (?) - 'Andrea Palladio's Elements of Architecture, Restored to its Original Perfection As published by him at Venice, Anno 1581. With A Geometrical Explanation Of His True Principles of Perspective, Shewn In a more Easy and Familiar Manner than in any Work of this Kind yet made public. Also an entire new and approved Method of finding the Point of Sight and Distance. A Matter which (though little known or practiced) is of utmost Consequence in this Art to render the Attainment of it both Easy and Perfect. The Whole illustrated by a Variety of Examples, from the most simple Polygon, to the Completion of the Five Orders. Including several excellent Designs of Tesselated and Mosaic Pavements, For Porticos, Halls, Lobbies, &c. On Twenty-Eight Copper-Plates, with Letter-Press annexed', J. Miller.
- [check Harris, p223 for further details]
Peele, J (1732) - 'The Method of Learning to Draw in Perspective Made Easy and Fully Explained'.
- Reprinted in Peele, J, (1749) - 'Arts Companion, or a New Assistant for the Ingenious. In Three Parts, Part I. Containing , the Art of Drawing in Perspective...', 7 woodcuts, London and Dublin.
- [Spelman, 28, item 7, £360]
Bibiena, G.G. (1740) - 'Architetture e Prospettive'. (Facs.ed., Dover, New York, 1964)
- [Pearce 514/LF 198]
Jeaurat, Edme-Sébastien (1750) - 'Traite de Perspective a l'usage des Artistes ou l'on Demontre Geometriquement toute les Practiques de cette Science', Paris, J. Chardon for Ch. Ant. Jombert.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-31]
Kirby, Joshua (1754) - 'Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective Made Easy in both Theory and Practice', Ipswich.
- Contains Hogarth's 'Perspective Absurdities'.
- [Kemp, pp152-4]
- (1755) - second ed., Craighton, Ipswich.
- [IRBP, 1992, £260]
- [ARBV, 1996, £194 - 84pp, 29 copper-plate eng.]
- [ARBV, 1996, £225 - 162pp, 49 engvd plates, appendix with 15pp & 2 engvd plates]
- (1761) - 'The Perspective of Architecture', London.
- (1768) - 'Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective Made Easy in both Theory and Practice: in two books...', third ed., 14+21 engvd plates (6 with movable flaps), London, for the author.
- [Glaister, 18, £285]
Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1759) - 'La Perspective Affranchie de l'embaras du Plan Géometral', Zurich, Heidegger. (Critical ed., M. Steck, Berlin, 1943)
- [Wiebenson, III-B-32]
Moxon, Joseph (1760) - Practical perspective; or Perspective made easie. Teaching by the opticks, how to delineate all bodies, buildings, or landskips, &c. By the catoptricks, how to delineate confused appearences, so as when seen in a mirror or pollisht body of any intended shape, the reflection shall shew a designe. By the dioptricks, how to draw parts of many figures into one, when seen through a glass or christal cut into many faces. Usefull for all painters, engravers architects, &c. and all others that are any waies inclined to speculatory ingenuity. By Joseph Moxon hydrographer to the Kings most excellent Majesty. London: printed by Joseph Moxon.
- Includes a pop-up diagram
- [Justin Croft: Antiquarian Books, £3,000, March 2011]
Fournier, Daniel (1761) - 'A Treatise on theTheory of Perspective'
- [see R. Evans, p109]
Le Geay, Jean-Laurent (c.1760s) - ?
- [Popularised aerial (bird's eye) perspectives, see Perez-Gomez, p154]
[Emerson, William] (1768) - 'The Elements of Optics. In Four Books', bound with 'Perspective: or the Art of Drawing the Representations of all Objects upon a Plane', 15 folding plates, J. Nourse.
- [Spelman, 33, item 21, £260]
? (1769) - 'Art of Drawing in Perspective: wherein the Doctrine of Perspective is Clearly and Concisely Treated of,...Illustrated with a variety of copper-plate figures. To which are annexed the Art of Painting upon Glass,...also the Art of Etching', third edition, G. Keith and J. Robinson.
- [Spelman, 32, item 28, £180]
Malton, Thomas (1775) - 'A Compleat Treatise on Perspective, in Theory and Practice; on the Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor, Made Clear by Various Moveable Schemes, and Diagrams... In Four Books. Embellished with an Elegant Frontispiece and Forty-Eight Plates. London, printed for the author.
- [Spelman, architecture, academic list three, May 1996, item 119, £150 (incomplete)]
- (1776) - 'A Compleat Treatise on Perspective, in Theory and Practice; on the True Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor, Made Clear, in Theory, by Various Moveable Schemes, and Diagrams', London, the author.
- (1783) - 'An Appendix, or second part, to the Compleat Treatise'.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-33]
Ferguson, James (1775) - 'The Art of Drawing in Perspective made easy for those who have no previous knowledge of the Mathematics', 9 folding plates, W. Strahan.
- (1778) - second edition.
- [Spelman, 32, item 44, £160]
- [4093b] Ferguson, F.O. The Art of Drawing in Perspective London: J. Ogle, 1810., Nine, folding illustrative plates 8vo 230mm x 145mm (9" x 5") New Edition. Rebound in plain boards. G - in good condition.. £ 76.00, Barter Books (
Chambers, A. [ trans. from the French] The Practice of Perspective, London.: Robert Wilkinson, 1781., 207mm x 202mm (8" x 7") 4th edn. Half-leather cover.. Worn condition - front board detached - outer hinge cracked on back board - missing front endpaper - spine & boards rubbed - corners rubbed and bumped - contents in Good condition - slight age darkening to page edges - light foxing - tightly bound.. with 149 engraved plates £ 120.00
- [ABE, April 2011, £200]
[Dubreuil, Jean] (1782) - 'Bowle's Practice of Perspective: or an easy method of representing objects according to the rules of art...', sixth ed., 150 engraved plates, Carrington Bowles.
- [Spelman, 32, item 50, £180]
- (c.1780) - 'Practical Perspective...', seventh edition, 150 plates, Bowles & Carver.
- [IRBP, 1992, £197]See Dubreuil, 1642, above.
Monge, Gaspard (1798-99) - 'Géométrie Descriptive', Paris, Baudouin.
- [Wiebenson, III-B-34]
Robson, W. (1799) - 'Grammigraphia; or the Grammar of Drawing', 6 pages of folding flap diagrams, London, for the author.
- [Spelman, 32, item 57, £550]
Malton, James (1800) - 'The Young Painter's Maulstick; Being a Practical Treatise on Perspective, containing Rules and Principles for Delineation of planes... Founded on the Clear Mechanical Process of Vignola and Sirigatti, 71pp, 23 engvd plates (21 aquatints, 2 with movable flaps), London: for the author by Carpenter & Co.
- (son of Thomas Malton)
- [Glaister, 18, £200]
Brown, Richard (1815) - 'The Principles of Practical Perspective; or Scenographic Projection: containing Universal Rules for Delineating Designs on Various Surfaces, taking Views from Nature, by the most Simple and Expedious Methods. To which are added, Rules for Shadowing and the Elements of Painting. The Whole Treated in a Manner Calculated to render the Science of Perspective and the Art of Drawing Easy of Attainment to Every Capacity', 51 plates, London, Samuel Leigh.
- [IRBP, 1992, £290; BAR, 1991-92, £300; Glaister, 18, £300]
- [Bought from PMcK, August 1996, £230]
- [ABE, April 2011, $840-880]
Hayter, Charles (1825) - 'An Introduction to Perspective, Drawing and Painting... carefully adapted for the instruction of females', fourth edition, 300pp and 20 plates, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen.
- [Spelman, 28, 1994, item 36, £40]
Dollond, George (1830) - 'The Camera Lucida. An Instrument for Drawing in True Perspective, and for Copying, Reducing, or Enlarging other Drawings', London, 1830
- [DWOI]
Vergnaud, A.D. (1835) - 'Manuel de Perspective, du Dessinateur et du Peintre', fourth edition, front plate and 8 folding plates, Paris, Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret. French text.
- [Bought from PMcK, June 1996, £30 (with original paper cover)]
Williams, Butler (1843) - 'A Manual for Teaching Model-Drawing from Solid Forms, the Models Founded on those of M. Dupuis, Combined with a Popular View of Perspective', John W. Parker, London.
- (1852) - second edition.
- [Spelman, 32, item 105, £120] Acquired Dec. 1995.
Duffin, Felix (1852) - 'Perspective, a Treatise intended with or without models as a complete guide for self instruction', 10 lithograph plates, Ackerman and Co.
- [Spelman, 33, item 112, £140]
Herdman, William Gawin (1853) - 'A Treatise on the Curvilinear Perspective of Nature: and its Applicability to Art, 118pp., 27 folding plates, John Weale.
- (See M. Kemp, pp247-248)
- [Spelman, 33, item 113, £75]
Burchett, R. (n.d. c.1856) - 'Linear Perspective for the Use of Schools of Art', 102pp, 25 folding plates, Chapman and Hall, London.
- [ARBV, 1996, £20]
- (1885) - 'Linear Perspective for the Use of Schools of Art', new ed., 100pp, 24 folding plates.
- [ARBV, 1996, £17]
Bradley, Thomas (c1865) - 'Elements of Geometrical Drawing; Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid, inlcuding both Orthographic and Perspective Projection', 60 plates, 2 vols., Chapman and Hall.
- [Spelman, 28, item 65, £120]
Penley, Aaron (1851) - The Elements of Perspective: Illustrated by Numerous Examples and Diagrams', second ed., 11 plates, 60pp, Windsor and Newton, London.
- [PMcK, August 1996]
- (1869) - The Elements of Perspective: Illustrated by Numerous Examples and Diagrams', seventeenth ed., 11 plates, 63pp, Windsor and Newton, London.
- [PMcK, bound with 2 other W&N titles, August 1996, £45]
Vaughan, Joseph (c.1890-2) - 'Moffatt's Perspective, for Second Grade Art Students', 7 figures, 41 plates, 104pp, Moffatt & Paige, London.
- [Bought from PMcK, June 1996, £15]
Ferguson, F.O. (1891) - 'Architectural Perspective', first ed., 41pp text, 38 fold out diagrams.
- [ARBV, 1996, £30]
? (n.d.) - 'The Practical Guide to Perspective', 16pp and 28 plates.
- [Bought from PMcK, June 1996, unbound and missing title page]
Ruskin, John (1907) - 'The Elements of Drawing and the Elements of Perspective'.
- (1920) - 'The Elements of Drawing and the Elements of Perspective', no.217 of Everymans's Library. London: Dent.
- [Glaister, 18, £8]
Reile, Adolf (n.d.) - 'Die Neue Perspektive des Architekten', 75pp, 32+1 plates, Julius Hoffmann, Stuttgart.
- [Glaister, 18, £22]
ARBV - M Cole (ed) - 'Annual Register of Book Values, The Arts and Architecture', The Clique, York.
- Once published annually in UK by The Clique. No longer available in book form, but there is a CD compilation of the entire ARBV series.
BAR - 'Book Auction Records, A Priced and Annotated Annual Record of International Book Auctions', Dawson, Folkestone.
- Dawson Publishing, Cannon House, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5EE
DWOI - Drawing with Optical Instruments (website)
Glaister - Nancy Sheiry Glaister (antiquarian book seller)
IRBP - 'International Rare Book Prices, The Arts and Architecture', The Clique, York. (became ARBV)
PMcK - antiquarian book seller (deceased)
Wiebenson - D Wiebenson (1982) - 'Architectural Theory and Practice from Alberti to Ledoux', Chicago.